October 22, 2024

Teaching Methodology


Teaching Methods

The teaching method at Northern University Bangladesh is designed to be simple yet highly effective. The aim is to help students extract the maximum knowledge from the teacher through clear & precise methods that can facilitate success in the course assessments and examinations leading to success in their careers.

Modes of Delivery

A variety of tools including lectures, seminars, workshops, case studies and field trips are the usual modes of delivery that are adopted by the teachers.


Lectures are the primary tools that provide the students with a focused route through the syllabi. Our lecture ethos is to guide, explain and teach rather than to transmit factual materials.


Seminars are generally a form of academic instruction that complement the lectures very well. They are designed to give students an opportunity to test their understanding of the material covered in lectures and private study by reference usually to a set of questions identified in advance. Seminars are interactive sessions, which the students conduct. They give students an opportunity to clarify any points of difficulty with the tutor and develop their oral communication skills.


Workshops are an innovative form of topic specific learning session that dwells mostly on it’s practical application in real life, that tackle the conceptually challenging aspects of the subject.

Case Studies

An important learning tool that is regularly utilized at NUB is the use of case studies that enables the students to identify certain concepts, it’s application and troubleshooting comprising of study of the case, analyzing the facts presented, arrive at a conclusion which is followed by recommendations.

Ongoing Practice & Communication Skills

Communication skills comprising of report writing; verbal communication; presentation; information gathering; group work; self-management; time management; change management; problem solving; innumeracy; IT skills; creativity, etc.

Dissertation/Project Work

It is a very unique feature of NUB that every undergraduate and postgraduate student has to undergo research work in the form of dissertation or project work depending on their subjects of study. This gives the student an opportunity to display research and analytical skills to apply theories, models and concepts developed and taught during the program. Many students write dissertations of value for current or future employers, or on subjects related to their own business.